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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner & A Month Supply of Fruit Snacks!

I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I was one of ten runners-up in the Welch's Fruit Snacks Lunch Box Notes contest.  The prize is a $200 gift certificate to the restaurant of my choice and a month supply of fruit snacks!  We are super excited!  Thank you Welch's.

To see the entries for the grand prize winner and the other nine runners-up, click HERE.

Here is the picture of my entry and this is what my lunchbox note said:

Did you ever have one of those days so boring and plain,
Then you opened your lunch and found a sock you couldn’t explain?
And you think to yourself, “By cracky,”
“This Wednesday is sure turning out to be Wacky!”
Just open your lunch sack and I have a hunch,
Things will go back to normal if you find ten things wrong with your lunch.

Just remember on days that are wacky, boring, or fun,
Your mother always loves you and thinks you are number one!


  1. Oh yeah, so what Restaurant did you get your gift certificate for. Not that the fruit snacks rock too!! Way to co, way cute note!
