Cherries Background

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bet You Wish You Had One of These...

Okay, so I know it's totally dirty, but that just shows you that it is well used.  Every morning when I cook my breakfast, I sigh and hug my toaster, I just love it.  This was a Christmas present from my dear husband two years ago.  Not only is it a toaster, but it also cooks an egg and a piece of ham (or bacon, or any meat product) while simultaneously toasting bread.  So in under five minutes you have all the makings for a ham, egg, and cheese sandwhich (or mcmuffin if you use english muffins)!  It has provided countless filling and low carb breakfasts (thank you bran bread) that taste delicious.
I know, this is kind of a weird post, but I couldn't help but profess my toaster love.
(in case you are interested, we got it at Shopko)

1 comment:

  1. That is a cool toaster! My husband would love that. I'm glad your baby's bump on her head went away! Kids do the craziest things! I never buckle the high chair strap, I will have to start doing that.
