Sweetheart chose a peach.
T-Man chose a kiwi.
Buddy chose a pluit.
and I chose a Mango for Charli.
Before we started, I had each kid draw a picture of what they hoped their marvelous medicine would do. Sweetheart's medicine made her hair grow very long and T-Man's medicine turned everyone's head into a piece of candy.
Next, we made an Orange Julius base, then each kid peeled and chopped their item and threw it into the blender with the Orange Julius.
1 Can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
12-20 ice cubes
Blend all ingredients in the bleder including ice cubes, keep adding ice cubes until the orange julius is at the desired thickness. You can add fruits to make a fruit smoothie.
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